Ordering by check or money order:
To order by check or money order, please list the items you are ordering and send to our mail order address below. Please be sure to include your phone number, email address and the address where you want your order shipped to. There is a form at the bottom if you want to print it out.
Please send us an email at: to request our mailing address for your mail purchase order and let us know it is on its way. Thank you.
(Important Notice: This address is NOT for returns. Shipments sent to this address will be REFUSED.)
RETURNS: Please see our return policy at: Click Here, before requesting a return authorization. If you meet the requirements for a return, we will then provide the address to ship your order back to. Thank you.
Best Coffeemakers Mailing Order Form
Important Notice:
If you are paying with a credit card, then your credit card statement will reflect Best Coffeemakers as the payee.
If you are paying by check make the check payable to:
Best Coffeemakers
Print the form if able, fill out and then mail to us.
We will confirm receipt of your order via e-mail or phone within 24 hours of getting it in the mail.
Product/s you are ordering and price.
+Tax if CA Resident_________________________
(CA residents add 8.25% sales tax)
If paying by check then just include it. Fill in your shipping information below.
If paying by credit card continue filling out the form.
Credit Card Number
Expiration Date (MONTH/YEAR)
Cardholder's Name - as it appears on credit card
Address where monthly
credit card statement is received:
Street Address
City State Zip Code
Home Telephone
Business Telephone
Email Address
(if different from above)
Street Address
City State Zip Code
I, ____________________________ authorize Best Coffeemakers to charge my credit card the Card Holder's Name (PRINT):
the amount of $______________ and ship the order to the address listed above.
Signature of Credit Card Holder